Main Display Modes format SD (4: 3) TV standard menu.
1. Standard - displayed full frame (4: 3) format refinement in TV (16: 9).
* Large black field proschad overs (inefficiently used frame)
2. stretch - extension of the visible region of the X axis
* Picture deformation
3. OVERSCAN - mode to maximize the horizontal and vertical
* Trim the visible region of the titles, and important facilities including head and other body parts
Showing commercials in mode "OVERSCAN" with the loss of part of the text and trim logo "TV CHANNEL STANDART DEFINITION"
Original screenshots
Six Feet Under (HBO)
Death angels (Ghanem Film)
Masha & AMEDIA
Demo video
The main task is to prepare for the storage and conversion of video to standard definition (SD) resolution in High Definition (HD) with the use of modern technologies for processing and storage of video.
MAIN frame formats
Method "A-Scale" supports converting all existing formats
In the early 2000s, the format of 4: 3 began to disappear from TV screens. His gradually replacing anamorphic image digital television standard definition and high-definition television with aspect ratio 16: 9
Options display in 4: 3, 16: 9 and 21: 9 on different screens
Method "A-Scale" solves a problem with fields and UPSCALE after converting the format 4: 3 16: 9 21: 9 and back to DOWNSCALE
INGEST. CREATE DATABASE movie (originals)
Contents of the database content occurs in stages. 1. If there is an existing database of movies made imports descriptions and metadata of all available digitized material. 2. The next stage - the creation of software handler incoming video and automated digitizing material from various carriers. 3. Creation of original digital copies and viewing material. 4. Filling and editing movies database and bind to the digitization of material descriptions.
A-SCALE. The crude material
The processing steps
1. Single mathematical analysis of the video stream divided into fragments (scenes).
2. Analysis of the fragments.
2a. Checking for ferrying fields for further trimming
2b. Evaluation of the frame area of the scene on the motion (MOTION DETECT)
2c. Sampling areas for further scale and cropping
3. Prepare a preview for each scene
4. Sampling snapshot to preview
Manual method UPSCALE scene via WEB interface
Exampe 1.
This example shows a scene for manual sampling of the active region of the frame
* The program has been selected the lower area of the frame "CURRENT" for maximum movement of objects (tool box, hand).
Was selected cropping without darkened area.
With the interface it is possible to select the desired area (without lighting area) and save the results.
SOFTWARE CONVERSION 4: 3 (720i) LETTERBOX in 16: 9 (1080p)
In the example shown automatically crop fields and bringing LETTERBOX frame 4: 3 format to 16: 9
Example 2.
* Attention. The quality of video materials thumbs corresponds best viewed in Internet and on average 1 Mbit / sec.
SOFTWARE CONVERSION 4:3 (576i) to 16:9 (1080p) using the method of "A-Scale"
In the examples shown frame seeking and "UP SCALE" video format 4:3 (576i)
Example 3.
* Attention. The quality of video materials thumbs corresponds best viewed in Internet and on average 1 Mbit / sec.
SOFTWARE TRANSFORMATIONS 16: 9 (1080i) LETTERBOX (21: 9) in a 16: 9 (1080p) using the method of "A-Scale"
UPSCALE HD (Letterbox) in HD (Full frame)
Example 4.К
Post-processing (filters suppress noise and color correction).
Snapshot frames before and after the filter processing.
Example 5.
Automate storyboards (SOFTWARE CREATION EDLs)
Create a standard EDL format CMX3600 for further use in Adobe, FC, Blender. Software definition of direct bonding, MMT.
Issuance of common results and characteristics of video (HIGH / LOW MOTION)